There's been a lot of activity in the 2 days since we unveiled the new BSD Conferences channel on YouTube. Technical content from MeetBSD 2007, MeetBSD 2008, and NYCBSDCon has been uploaded, with more on the way. The newest videos now available are :
- FreeBSD Profiling, Kris Kennaway, MeetBSD 2008
- BSD v GPL, Jason Dixon, NYCBSDCon 2008
- BSD is Dying, Jason Dixon, NYCBSDCon 2007
- PC-BSD: FreeBSD on the Desktop, Matt Olander, MeetBSD 2007
- FreeBSD, Protecting Privacy with Tor, MeetBSD 2007
- FreeBSD Clustering, Brooks Davis, MeetBSD 2007

The early traffic data seems to indicate a 99% male audience and strong interest from Ukraine and Russia, probably due to the large BSD user base there and effective forwarding/announcement on Russian Forums.
It occurs to me that we don't have a good description of using YouTube on FreeBSD anywhere in the FreeBSD Handbook. Does anyone want to take a shot at adding something to the multimedia chapter? Perhaps about using the swfdec package on FreeBSD?
Thanks to Tomasz Dudzis for posting the MeetBSD 2007 videos, and Jason Dixon for posting the NYCBSDCon videos.
Update: 10 Dec 2008 2:30pm: The graph above is scaled by popularity of all YouTube videos in that country, so it just shows that relative to other YouTube videos in Russia and Ukraine, this channel is very popular. In absolute numbers, most of the views are coming from the U.S. Apologies for misinterpreting the YouTube Insight graphs.
swfdec is outdated in the Ports tree. I wonder when alexbl@ gonna update it to the latest version.
Hey Murray,
We have "6.2.4 Firefox, Mozilla and Macromedia® Flash™ plugin" section. Well, but sound and video are often out of sync on youtube with the official plugin.
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