Saturday, April 26, 2008

Technical BSD Content on YouTube

As I mentioned earlier I think we could do a much better job of presenting FreeBSD content online. One of the things I'd especially like to see is more technical talks available on YouTube.

The next time you register for a BSD related conference make sure to ask the organizer about video recordings. Many BSD conferences have cameras in the sessions, but there is a lot of additional work required to edit the videos, encode them, and upload them to popular video sharing sites. Personally, I think that conference organizers should be soliciting sponsors for this work and paying professionals to handle it as the last 9 years of BSD conferences haven't been very successful at capturing video with volunteer labor. The potential audience for these videos is huge, and some of the videos below have been watched over 10,000 times with basically no marketing or links from official sites anywhere. This could be a very effective way at spreading BSD technologies beyond the very limited set of people that attend the conferences or read the limited distribution conference proceedings.

Some of the more interesting BSD related videos I've seen available online include:

Thanks to Julian Elischer for taping and organizing some of the BAFUG tech talks in recent years (.mov files available here). It would be great if more FreeBSD user groups contributed video of interesting talks. Some other open source communities, such as Python, are really good at this. If anyone is interested in coming to Google and giving a talk about a BSD related project they are working on, please let me know.


Henrik said...

There are also a bunch of videos from EurobsdCon 2007 ready to be downloaded.

Murray said...

Thanks Henrik, Edwin also pointed out a great list of technical FreeBSD video content from conferences and such here :